To Be a Librarian or Be a Technology Educator? That is the Question.
This school year has brought me to a new challenge - the library! I have fond memories of the library when I was as little as 3 years old sitting on a cushion for story time in the Bayonne Public Library. I remember the librarian in my elementary school warning us not to EVER dog ear the pages of a book, and never ever lick our fingers to turn pages (which I still think is very truly disgusting). High school brings no memories of any library for me, unless it was to socialize or use the massive set of encyclopedias to xerox a few pages. College made me realize that the library is a very peaceful place to get out of the chatter, and where I could find a cubby to sit and study (sometimes) where I could place myself in isolation and tend to my inability to focus.
Today, the library is such a vibrant place to go and get your info, check in with the world, create things, and yes even get a book! Welcome.........
Mrs. Gagliardi